3C Cowboy Fellowship
Our Mission

Reaching the lost and unchurched through the Cowboy or Western culture is our mission. The cowboy or western culture, with its roots in hard work, resilience, independence, and a deep sense of community, allows us to share the gospel with folks that may not otherwise receive it. Here is how we share the great commission given to us in Matthew 28: 19-20 and the new commandment in John 13:34 with Cowboys, Cowgirls, Ranchers, Farmers, and folks that love western culture.

  1. Loving God (Faith with Grit and Reverence)
  • Our culture is rooted in perseverance and hard work. Having unwavering faith in God and walking with Christ our Savior is hard work and takes perseverance and grit.
  • Our church services are more focused on worshiping God and less about rituals, pretense, and appearances.  At 3C Cowboy Fellowship there are no barriers or hurdles to receiving the gospel and worshiping the one true God.
  1. Loving People (Building Relationships Through Community) 
  • We value hard work, honesty, loyalty, and friendship. By showing genuine respect and encouraging these values we demonstrate how the gospel calls us to live our lives with integrity, selflessness, and service to others.
  • We have a strong sense of community, whether we are reaching out to our neighbors during hard times or helping a stranger down on their luck we do our best to love one another as Christ loved us.
  1. Making Disciples (Living Out Faith in Action) 
  • Our culture values mentorship and the passing down of wisdom from older generations to the new generations. One way we make disciples is through one-on-one discipleship and sharing the gospel with others where we live and work every day.
  • Whether it’s by displaying patience while working cattle or showing kindness when someone is struggling, actions often speak louder than words in our culture. We strive to demonstrate Christ’s love by living out the values of humility, servanthood, and grace.
  • We understand that making disciples takes time and that’s why we will walk alongside you as we both grow in our walks with Christ.